127 USD

The Supportive Sleep Course is an attachment based, connection-centered sleep course designed to take you from the newborn stage all the way to the preschool years.

You’ll learn about things like sleep science, biologically normal infant and toddler sleep, child development, secure attachment, and the concerns we should have with sleep training.

Of course, I also cover all things related to night wakings, naps and nap transitions, bedtime routines, how a child’s temperament and sensory needs can impact sleep, and how to go about making responsive changes to sleep pieces that have stopped working for your family, and more.

This course will leave you feeling confident and informed about your child’s sleep and never asks you to limit your responsiveness (no timed checks, pick up put down, camping out, or any other sleep trainer methods that go against your intuition). This is about so much more than sleep!

What's inside?

✺ Supportive Sleep Guidebook — All the content from the online course has been summarized and professionally formatted into a 350 page guide that is yours to download and keep forever.   

✺ Video Modules — I take you through more than 20 self-paced modules that are broken down into digestible chunks for easy listening.

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Click here for a reduced rate on the

Nightweaning Workshop

Get it for $35 when you bundle it with the Supportive Sleep Course.

I created the Nightweaning Workshop to support you through the process of reducing some or all of your nighttime nursing sessions. This workshop (and the accompanying guidebook) will help you explore your reasons for nightweaning, how to prepare your little one, which approach might work best with their temperament, and how to hold the boundary and support the emotion that comes with it. There is nothing in the way of sleep training or holding yourself back from responding in the way that feels right for you - as always, the focus is on connection and attunement.

  • Total payment
  • 1xSupportive Sleep Course$127

All prices in USD

About Me

Hi, I'm Kaitlin, a twice-certified Infant and Toddler Sleep Specialist. My focus is on protecting the attachment relationship you're working so hard to build with your baby, while also helping your family get more sleep. I know from helping hundreds of families - and seeing it with my own kids - that sleep without sleep training is possible!