42 USD

Ready to drop some of your middle of the night nursing sessions, but not willing to leave your baby or toddler crying by themselves to do it? Want to keep nursing to sleep, but wish your little one would take longer stretches afterwards?! Looking for tips on how to prepare your little one for making a change, even if they're pre-verbal?

Join me as I guide you through everything you need to know about night weaning through an attachment-focussed lens. This workshop is geared towards families who are looking to reduce some - or all - of their nighttime nursing sessions. This workshop is open to families who do and don’t bedshare — it is not necessary to stop bedsharing in order to nightwean. The workshop is also open to those who do and don’t have a parenting partner. Bottle feeding families might also find the information helpful as it relates to reducing nighttime feeds, but the language used is nursing-centered.

Parents who have taken this workshop before tell me they ended up feeling closer and more bonded to their child after going through the process with them... not to mention, more rested! I'm here to set you up for success. If you're ready to make a change, join us!

How it works:

✺ Purchase of this workshop will grant you immediate access to a foundational video on attachment, with temperament and sleep hygiene dropping later this week. The live workshop on reducing your nighttime nursing sessions will take place on Wednesday, September 4 at 9am EST (New York time), and include a Q+A at the end.

✺ Nightweaning Guidebook — All the content from the workshop is summarized and professionally formatted into a 60 page guide that is yours to download and keep forever. The guidebook includes a text summary of everything we cover in the workshop as well as additional information and resources

✺ Lifetime Access — The recordings and accompanying guidebook will be uploaded to your portal, where you can revisit the content whenever you need, as much as you need. Your access never expires.

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  • 1xNighttime Nursing$42

All prices in USD

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About Me

Hi, I'm Kaitlin, a twice-certified Infant and Toddler Sleep Specialist. My focus is on protecting the attachment relationship you're working so hard to build with your baby, while also helping your family feel good about (and get more of!) your little one's sleep. I know from helping hundreds of families - and seeing it with my own kids - that sleep without sleep training is possible!